“A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart”
Ecclesiastes 4:12
Cooperation is seldom seen today in an effort to serve a common good for people in need of help and assistance to strengthen family bonds of spouses, parents, and children. When you are privileged to participate in a cooperative effort it must be broadcast as an encouragement for others to seek out those opportunities and engage the community as representatives of Jesus Christ working in the lives of men, women, and children today.
ChristianWorks for Children on the encouragement of Michael and Amy Monroe of Tapestry Adoption and Foster Care Ministry through Irving Bible Church is participating in the following cooperative effort:
FOCUS ON THE FAMILY,® through their TBRI® Training Sponsorship Program has agreed to sponsor three employees of ChristianWorks for Children to participate in the Texas Christian University Institute of Child Development’s Trust-Based Relational Intervention® Professional Training program. ChristianWorks for Children employees will in turn provide ongoing help to a struggling adoptive family at no cost to the family each year.
Trust Based Relational Interventions® developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross at the TCU Institute of Child Development is “an emerging intervention model for a wide range of childhood behavioral problems. It is a family based intervention that is designed for children who have experienced relationship-based traumas such as institutionalization, multiple foster placements, maltreatment, and/or neglect.”