On a daily basis, the AdoptionWorks staff encounters individuals that are waiting to have a baby or waiting to adopt a baby. The process of waiting to adopt can be very frustrating. The AdoptionWorks staff work very hard to encourage the potential adoptive families; however our words sometimes are not enough.
We have to remember our ways are not his ways; our thoughts are not his thoughts. We have to remain faithful, and watch him work. I believe when God moves everything will fall right into place. I am saying that to say, congratulations to a very special adoptive family. They will be adopting a sweet baby boy in the next few weeks. This family was on the AdoptionWorks waiting family list for three years. This family was very patient, and they knew, God would give them a baby at the right time. The adoptive family and the birth family have bonded, and they are looking forward to sharing their lives together though their mutual love for this precious baby boy. Whatever your desires are, continue to wait on God, he many not move when you want him to, but he is always on time!
“Ye those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Isaiah 40:31