AdoptionWorks Waiting Family Spotlight: Adam & Jess, Macie (4) & pup Paislie (11)

Meet the Cathey Family!
Adam & Jess, Macie (4) & pup Paislie (11).
They have been married since 2010 & are a long-time family of Christian Works. They are hopeful to grow their family through adoption for a second time! They choose to work with Christian Works as Adam’s late grandfather was a founding father and Adoption is close to this family’s heart.
Adam is a Project Manager with a local Audio & Security Company & Jess is an Area Manager with a National Outpatient Radiology Company.
They are fun, energetic & family-oriented.
This sweet family loves to celebrate any and all special milestones, holidays, and all of lifes most memorable moments.
They love spending time outdoors & binge-watching new TV shows. But mostly they love hanging out with family & friends!

The Cathey family loves all the things!

Macie loves to Dance! She takes ballet, tap & jazz, always working on her Demi-Plie! She has an avid affliction for Aquariums & Zoos, as she wants to be a “Puppy Doctor” when she grows up, and we visit as many as we can each year!

Mom and daughter dates are the best- crafting & painting for a little quality one on one is always good for the soul.

Daddy dates are usually trips to the hardware store and quick bites! Usually coming home with all the things not on “the list”!  They love spending time outdoors. Fishing, boating & soaking in all the sun & water has been a big part of their past, present, & future.  Home projects are also never-ending! With a resident handyman & do it yourself-er, there’s always something new & exciting happening around the house. Only now, the lady in charge wears a tutu & light-up cat headphones!

The Cathey family loves music! Adam & Jess were engaged at a Country Music Concert and music has always played a part of their lives. They love sharing that with Macie & her first concert in 2021!

“As a family, we ask for your prayers of peace & patience as we continue to prepare our hearts for the child that God has chosen for us.

We also commit ourselves in prayer and request yours, that God will guide our journey and that of the beautiful Mother who chooses us to be the forever family of a sweet precious baby.

Our family also asks for prayers of healing & comfort for all involved with our adoption, as we know adoption is always made out of love, but emotional and sometimes covered in self-doubt. We pray that all helping hands and healing hearts be guided by God.”

Click here for more information on AdoptionWorks.

AdoptionWorks Waiting Family Spotlight: Charlie, Laura, and Anthony

Meet Charlie, Laura, and Anthony. The Shackelfords have been married for more than 13 years. They are hopeful to grow their family through adoption. They chose to work with AdoptionWorks because they love the mission and the wonderful people who work there. Charlie works in Accounting for a children’s toy company (Laura likes to say he is Santa’s accountant), and Laura works in Higher Education helping college students to graduate and be successful in their careers.

The Shackelford family loves spending time together and trying fun, new activities. Over the holidays, they were able to introduce their 3-year-old to the fun of sledding and making snow angels! From visiting family in Utah and California, trying new activities, and playing games, they love spending time with each other as a family.


Please pray for the Shackelfords as they hope to grow their family. Their son, also adopted through ChristianWorks, would be an amazing big brother and would love to welcome a new sibling to our loving home.


Click here for more information on AdoptionWorks.

Grief during the holidays

At ChristianWorks we understand that grief can be difficult during the holiday season. This is typically a time that we gather with family, talk about old memories all while creating new memories. But the holidays can feel overwhelming after experiencing the passing of a loved one, especially if it is a significant member of your family. For some, the feeling of going on without that family member feels impossible or may feel like a slight to them. We have a ministry called GriefWorks and during the holidays we have a commemoration service. This is a time that we gather together and honor the loved one that has died. We recognize the pain that we may be feeling but we also celebrate the life of our loved one.

Our GriefWorks team has put together a video of a few ways that you can incorporate your loved one into your holiday celebrations. Also, below you will find a list of all the materials needed for each craft along with any instructions you might need and links to some suggested items.

Memory Plate:

You can use sharpies but Sharpie paint pens (oil-based) are recommended. (*Tip: if you make a mistake, color over it with a dry erase marker and it will rub off cleaner than with rubbing alcohol.) Set in a cold oven and then set to bake for an hour at 425. Allow to cool completely before removing. Handwashing is best.

Memory Tablecloth:

Place white tablecloth or runner out for loved ones to write special messages or memories of the loved one you are honoring.

Memory Ornaments:

  • clear ornaments
  • strips of paper
  • Ribbon in pink, red, green, yellow, orange, black, gray, blue, white, braided (you can use paper for this as well)
  • beads, confetti, sequins
  • markers, pens

Take a clear plastic ornament.  Explain that each ribbon is a different emotion and they should fill the ornament with the different emotions they feel when they think about the person they have lost.  This is a great time to talk with younger kids about feelings and help them understand that they may be feeling a wide range of different feelings, and that is okay.

Examples for ribbon colors:

  • pink = love
  • red = anger
  • green = calm/peace
  • yellow = worry
  • orange = confusion
  • black = lost
  • gray = numb/shock
  • blue = sad
  • white = hopeful
  • braid = support

Explain next that the sequins represent memories.  Encourage kids to think about different holiday memories they have of the person they have lost.  For each memory have them drop a bead or sequin into the ornament.  This is a great opportunity to share memories together, but if kids don’t want to share that is okay too – don’t push too hard.  For kids who are younger and may have fewer holiday memories, you may want to make this any memory.  You could also use this as a way for you to share a memory with the child, then add a bead for each story you share with them. We also include pearl beads which represent “pearls of wisdom” or things learned in grief.

Finally, write or draw anything you would like on the strip of paper.  This could be a message to the person who died, a memory, or whatever else you wish.  When done, add the paper to the ornament and close it up.  Tie a ribbon to the top and you are all done!

Photo Memory Box:

Grab a box (could be an old shoebox or photo box), decorate with either stickers or markers with things that remind you of that person. Add pictures to the lid and to the inside of the box. This memory box can house items or photos to remember your loved one that has died.