GriefWorks is a free grief support program for children ages 5-18 and their adult family members. At GriefWorks, we provide a safe and loving environment where children and teens can share their stories of loss and explore their grief openly in order to heal and progress.
Our next session of GriefWorks kicks of on January 14th at 6:30pm.
To sign up, contact Mackenzie or complete the contact us form.
AdoptionWorks Post Adoption is a free support group program for adoptees ages five to seventeen. At AdoptionWorks we provide a safe and loving environment where children and teens can connect with others who are adopted. Here adoptees can find the freedom and safety to explore their adoption experience openly. The curriculum for the post adoption support groups has been developed by licensed mental health professionals who are also adopted. These groups are designed by adoptees, as well as adoption professionals, for adoptees and their parents.
Our next Post-Adopt Support Group is September 19th at 6:30pm at our Dallas office.
Click here to sign up.
GriefWorks is a free grief support program for children ages 5-18 and their adult family members. At GriefWorks, we provide a safe and loving environment where children and teens can share their stories of loss and explore their grief openly in order to heal and progress.
Our next session of GriefWorks kicks of on January 28th at 6:30pm.
To sign up, contact Stephanie Shaw at or complete the contact us form.