Work with Us
ChristianWorks for Children helps children and families meet life’s toughest challenges. If the family is the foundation of our society, then building healthy homes and families should be a top priority for us all.
With its foundation deeply rooted in Christian principles, the purpose of ChristianWorks for Children is to help children and their families meet and overcome even the most difficult challenges in their lives. We strive to facilitate the building of a healthy, loving family for every child we meet.
We are a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit serving clients of various ages and backgrounds in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. We offer several different programs including CounselingWorks: Traditional and Christian Counseling in English and Spanish for children and adults, Becoming Mom services & counseling for expectant moms through 36 months, AdoptionWorks and Post Adoption services for the triad, KidWorks: counseling and group therapy for children of divorce, GriefWorks: counseling and group therapy for children and their parent(s) who have lost loved ones, JustFamily: counseling and group therapy for blended families and CampSunrise: grief camp for children that have lost a loved one. Please check out our website at www.christian-works,org for more information.